======= Related ======= Below are some tools that might be of interest; check them out 🙂. ********** pyopmspe11 ********** .. image:: ./figs/pyopmspe11.gif :scale: 50% `A Python framework using OPM Flow for the CSP SPE11 benchmark project `_. ****** pycopm ****** .. image:: ./figs/pycopm.png :scale: 32% `An open-source tool to tailor OPM Flow geological models `_. ***** plopm ***** .. image:: ./figs/plopm.png `Quick generation of PNGs, GIFs, and VTKs from a OPM Flow type model `_. ************* pyopmnearwell ************* .. image:: ./figs/pyopmnearwell.gif :scale: 50% `A framework to simulate near well dynamics using OPM Flow `_. ******* ad-micp ******* .. image:: ./figs/ad-micp.gif :scale: 40% `A module to study CO2 leakage remediation by microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) `_. **** pymm **** .. image:: ./figs/pymm.gif :scale: 15% `An open-source image-based framework for CFD in microsystems `_.