This documentation describes the plopm tool hosted in
Simplified and flexible framework for quick visualization of OPM Flow geological models. The approach is the generation of PNG figures from static (e.g, porosity, pore volume fluid in place numbers) and dynamic (e.g., pressure, fluid saturations) properties given any 2D slide with the option to generate GIFs (e.g., the middle part of a reservoir in the xy plane), as well as plotting any given summary vector (e.g., field gas in place a.k.a fgip).
The plopm tool can be useful for quick inspection of geological models, as well as for generation of nice figures for papers/presentations. Also, plopm can plot summary results from different simulation cases in the same figure (e.g., using subplots), as well as the difference between given dynamic variables (e.g., pressure) for two different simulations cases. In addition, plopm can convert OPM Flow output files to vtk, which allows to use other visualization/postprocessing tools (e.g., paraview)
The current implementation supports the following executable with the argument options:
plopm -i name(s)_of_input_file(s)
- -i
The base name (or full path) of the input files; if more than one is given, separate them by ‘ ‘ (e.g, ‘SPE11B /home/user/SPE11B_TUNED’) (‘SPE11B’ by default).
- -o
The base name (or full path) of the output folder (‘.’ by default, i.e., the folder where plopm is executed).
- -v
Specify the name of the vairable to plot, e.g., ‘pressure’, in addition to special extensive quantities for the mass such as ‘grid’, ‘wells’, ‘gasm’, ‘dism’, ‘liqm’, ‘vapm’, ‘co2m’, ‘h2om’, ‘xco2l’, ‘xh2ov’, ‘xco2v’, ‘xh2ol’, ‘fwcdm’, and ‘fgipm’ (‘poro,permx,permz,porv,fipnum,satnum’ by default).
- -m
Generate ‘png’, ‘gif’, or ‘vtk’ files (‘png’ by default).
- -s
The slide in the 3D model to plot the 2D maps, e.g, ‘10,,’ to plot the xz plane on all cells with i=10, or ‘,,5:10’ to plot the pv average weighted quantity. If the three values are given, e.g., ‘2,4,9’, then the variable is plotted over time at that location (‘,1,’ by default, i.e., the xz surface at j=1).
- -p
Path to flow, e.g., ‘/home/build/bin/flow’. This is used to generate the grid for the vtk files (‘flow’ by default).
- -z
Scale the axis in the 2D maps (‘1’ by default).
- -f
The font size (‘12’ by default).
- -x
Set the lower and upper bounds along x, e.g., ‘[-100,200]’ (’’ by default).
- -y
Set the lower and upper bounds along y, e.g., ‘[-10,300]’ (’’ by default).
- -u
Use resdata or opm Python libraries (‘resdata’ by default).
- -c
Specify the colormap, e.g., ‘jet’, or color(s) for the summary, e.g., ‘b,r’ (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -e
Specify the linestyles, e.g., ‘solid,dotted’ (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -b
Specify the upper and lower bounds for the color map, e.g., ‘[-0.1,11]’ (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -d
Specify the dimensions in inches generated png, e.g., ‘8,16’ (‘7,5’ by default).
- -t
Specify the figure title, e.g., ‘Final saturation map’ (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -r
Restart number to plot the dynamic variable, where 0 corresponds to the initial one (‘-1’ by default, i.e., the last restart file).
- -a
Scale the mass variable, e.g., 1e-9 for the color bar for the CO2 mass to be in Mt (‘1’ by default).
- -tunits
For the x axis in the summary use seconds ‘s’, minutes ‘m’, hours ‘h’, days ‘d’, weeks ‘w’, years ‘y’, or dates ‘dates’ (‘s’ by default).
- -ylabel
Text for the y axis (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -xlabel
Text for the x axis (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -ylnum
Number of y axis labels (‘4’ by default).
- -xlnum
Number of x axis labels (‘4’ by default).
- -cnum
Number of color labels (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -xlog
Use log scale for the x axis (‘0’ by default).
- -ylog
Use log scale for the y axis (‘0’ by default).
- -clabel
Text for the colorbar (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -labels
Legend in the summary plot, separated by commas if more than one (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -axgrid
Set axis.grid to True for the summary plots (‘1’ by default).
- -dpi
Dots per inch for the figure (‘500’ by default).
- -xformat
Format for the x numbers, e.g., .2e for exponential notation (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -yformat
Format for the y numbers, e.g., .1f for one decimal (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -cformat
Specify the format for the numbers in the colormap, e.g., .2f for two decimals (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -xunits
For the x axis in the spatial maps meters ‘m’, kilometers ‘km’, centimeters ‘cm’, or milimeters ‘mm’ (‘m’ by default).
- -yunits
For the y axis in the spatial maps meters ‘m’, kilometers ‘km’, centimeters ‘cm’, or milimeters ‘mm’ (‘m’ by default).
- -remove
Set the entries to 1 to remove in the spatial maps the left axis, bottom axis, colorbar, and title (‘0,0,0,0’ by default).
- -facecolor
Color outside the spatial map (‘w’ by default, i.e., white).
- -save
Name of the output files (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm).
- -log
Log scale for the color map (‘0’ by default).
- -clogthks
Set the thicks for the color maps with log scale, e.g., ‘[1,2,3]’ (’’ by default).
- -rotate
Grades to rotate the grid in the 2D maps (‘0’ by default).
- -translate
Translate the grid in the 2D maps x,y directions (‘[0,0]’ by default).
- -global
Min and max in the colorbars from the current 2D slide values (0) or whole 3D model ‘1’ (‘0’ by default).
- -how
Select how to project the given variable (-v) in a slide range (-s). By default the variables are pore volume weighted averaged along the range except for mass quantities, porv, trans, and cell dims (e.g., dz) which are summed; cell indices (e.g., index_i) which show the discrete value; harmonic average and arithmetic average for permeabilities depending on the slide range direction using the cell dim along the slide (e.g., -s ,,1:2 -v permz [harmonic averaged]); for wells/faults, ‘min’ show the cells when at least one cell contains them or ‘max’ when all cells are part of the given slide/slides range. The supported options are ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘sum’, ‘mean’, ‘pvmean’, ‘harmonic’, ‘arithmetic’, ‘first’, and ‘last’ (’’ by default, i.e., the defaults as described above).
- -ncolor
Color for the inactive cells in the 2D maps (‘w’ by default, i.e., white).
- -lw
Line width separated by commas if more than one (‘1’ by default).
- -subfigs
Generate separated or a single Figure (e.g., ‘2,2’ for four subfigures) (’’ by default, i.e., separate figures).
- -loc
Location of the legend (‘best’ by default).
- -delax
Delete aligned axis labels in subfigures (‘0’ by default).
- -printv
Print the avaiable variables to plot (‘0’ by default).
- -vtkformat
Format for each variable in the vtks, support for Float64, Float32, and UInt16 (‘Float64’ by default).
- -vtknames
Label each variable in the written vtk (’’ by default, i.e., the names given in the -v argument).
- -mask
Static variable to use as 2D map background (’’ by default).
- -diff
The base name (or full path) of the input file to substract (’’ by default).
- -suptitle
Title for the subfigures (’’ by default, i.e., set by plopm, if 0, then it is removed; otherwise, write the text).
- -cbsfax
Set the global axis position and size for the colorbar (‘0.40,0.01,0.2,0.02’ by default).
- -vmin
Set a minimum threshold to remove values in the variable (’’ by default).
- -vmax
Set a maximum threshold to remove values in the variable (’’ by default).
- -maskthr
Set the threshold for the variable to mask “ “(‘1e-3’ by default).
- -interval
Time for the frames in the GIF in milli second (‘1000’ by default).
- -loop
Set to 1 for infinity loop in the GIF (‘0’ by default).
- -warnings
Set to 1 to print warnings (‘0’ by default).
- -latex
Set to 0 to not use LaTeX formatting (‘1’ by default).
Type in the terminal plopm -h to show these argument options.