
Contributions are more than welcome using the fork and pull request approach 🙂 (if you are not familiar with this approach, 
please visit `GitHub Docs PRs <https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests>`_ for an extended 
documentation about collaborating with pull request; also, looking at previous merged pull requests helps to get familiar with this).

Ground Rules 

- We use Black code formatting
- We use Pylint
- We document our code

Contribute to the software

#. Work on your own fork of the main repo
#. In the main repo execute:

    #. **pip install -r dev-requirements.txt** (this installs the `dev-requirements.txt <https://github.com/cssr-tools/pycopm/blob/main/dev-requirements.txt>`_)
    #. **pip install opm** (this does not work in macOS, then follow the steps in `source build in macOS <https://cssr-tools.github.io/pycopm/installation.html#source-build-in-macos>`_)
    #. **black src/ tests/** (this formats the code)
    #. **pylint src/ tests/** (this analyses the code, and might rise issues that need to be fixed before the pull request)
    #. **mypy --ignore-missing-imports src/ tests/** (this is a static checker, and might rise issues that need to be fixed before the pull request)
    #. **pytest --cov=pycopm --cov-report term-missing tests/** (this runs locally the tests, and might rise issues that need to be fixed before the pull request)
    #. **pushd docs & make html** (this generates the documentation, and might rise issues that need to be fixed before the pull request; if the build succeeds and if the contribution changes the documentation, then copy all content from the docs/_build/html/ folder and replace the files in the `docs <https://github.com/cssr-tools/pycopm/tree/main/docs>`_ folder)
    .. tip::
        See the `CI.yml <https://github.com/cssr-tools/pycopm/blob/main/.github/workflows/CI.yml>`_ script and the `Actions <https://github.com/cssr-tools/pycopm/actions>`_ for installation of pycopm, OPM Flow (binary packages), and dependencies, as well as the execution of the seven previous steps in Ubuntu 24.10 using Python3.11.

#. Squash your commits into a single commit (see this `nice tutorial <https://gist.github.com/lpranam/4ae996b0a4bc37448dc80356efbca7fa>`_ if you are not familiar with this)
#. Push your commit and make a pull request
#. The maintainers will review the pull request, and if the contribution is accepted, then it will be merge to the main repo

Report issues or problems

#.  Issues or problems can be raised by creating a `new issue <https://github.com/cssr-tools/pycopm/issues>`_ in the repository GitHub page (if you are not familiar with this approach, please visit `GitHub Docs Issues <https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues>`_)
#.  We will try to answer as soon as possible, but also any user is more than welcome to answer

Seek support

#.  The preferred approach to seek support is to raise an Issue as described in the previous lines
#.  We will try to answer as soon as possible, but also any user is more than welcome to answer

- An alternative approach is to send an email to any of the `mantainers <https://github.com/cssr-tools/pycopm/blob/main/pyproject.toml>`_.