expreccs.utils.mapproperties module
Utiliy function for mapping quantities in the different sites.
- expreccs.utils.mapproperties.mapping_properties(dic)
Function to handle the reservoir location settings.
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.mapproperties.positions_reference(dic)
Function to locate well, fault, and site positions in the reference reservoir.
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.mapproperties.positions_regional(dic)
Function to locate well, site, and fault positions
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.mapproperties.positions_rotation(dic)
Find the locations after the rotation
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.mapproperties.positions_site(dic)
Function to locate well and fault positions in the site reservoir.
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.mapproperties.rotate_grid(dic)
Rotate the grid site if requiered.
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary