expreccs.utils.backcoupling module
Utiliy functions to back-couple from site to regional model used by expreccs.
- expreccs.utils.backcoupling.backcoupling(dic)
Function to update regional model based on the site model. A multiplier that compensate for the difference in fluxes are computed MULT[-X, X, -Y , Y] = Flux_site / Flux_regional and added to the regional model. This is done iterativly for number of iterations given in the input
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.backcoupling.compute_multipliers(dic, iteration)
Function to compute multiplier that compensate for the difference in fluxes MULT[-X, X, -Y , Y] = Flux_site / Flux_regional and added to the regional model
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
iteration (int): Current iteration number
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.backcoupling.init_multipliers(dic)
Function initialize input for regional multipliers
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.backcoupling.write_folder_iter(dic, fil)
Write folders for the _{iteration} models
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
fil (str): Name of the geological model
- Returns: