expreccs.utils.inputvalues module
Utiliy functions to set the requiried input values by expreccs.
- expreccs.utils.inputvalues.process_input(dic, in_file)
Function to process the input file
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
in_file (str): Name of the input text file
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- expreccs.utils.inputvalues.readthefirstpart(lol, dic)
Function to process the lines in the configuration file.
- Args:
lol (list): List of lines read from the input file
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
inc (int): Number of line in the input file before the first injection value
- expreccs.utils.inputvalues.readthesecondpart(lol, dic, index)
Function to process the remaining lines in the configuration file
- Args:
lol (list): List of lines read from the input file
dic (dict): Global dictionary
index (int): Number of line in the input file
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary