
“Run simulations with machine learned well models.

Check the repo for examples on how to use the recompile_flow and run_integration functions.

recompile_flow can only used for well models at the moment, however the functionality could easily be extended to replace other parts of the OPM simulator before recompiling. Path, opm_path: Path, StandardWell_impl_template: Path, StandardWell_template: Path, stencil_size: int = 3, local_feature_names: list[str] | None = None) None

Fill StandardWell_impl and recompile flow_gaswater_dissolution_diffuse.

Note: Once scaling layers are implemented directly into OPM, this might be deprecated. However, it might still be needed to deal with different stencils and

features per cell.

scalingsfile (pathlib.Path): Path to the csv file containing the input and

output scalings for the model.

opm_path (pathlib.Path): Path to a OPM installation with ml functionality. StandardWell_impl_template (pathlib.Path): Template for

StandardWell_impl.hpp. Decides the neural network architecture.

StandardWell_template (pathlib.Path): Template for StandardWell.hpp. stencil_size (int, optional): The size of the vertical stencil of the model.

Defaults to 3.

local_feature_names (Optional[list[str]], optional): List of local feature names

that are input to the model. Defaults to Optional.




ValueError: If scalingsfile contains an invalid row. dict[str, Any], savepath: Path, makofile: str | Path) None

Runs pyopmnearwell simulations for the specified runspecs.

Note: All “variables” in runspecs need to have the same number of values.

runspecs (dict[str, Any]): Contains at least two keys “variables” and

“constants”. The values of both keys are dictionaries and their union has to contain all parameters to fill the simulation template. Each key in the “variables” dictionary is a list and this function loops through all lists in parallel and runs a simulation for each.

savepath (str): Path to save the output files. makofile (str): Path to the pyopmnearwell deck template for the simulations.

