pycopm.utils.parser_deck module
Methods to parser the input OPM deck.
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.get_wells_for_vicinity(dic)
Get the names and i,j,k indices for the wells
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_aqucon(dic, nrwo)
Handle the modified i,j,k aquifer indices
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_aqunum(dic, nrwo)
Handle the i,j,k aquifer numbers
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_bccon(dic, nrwo)
Handle the modified i,j,k bccon indices
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_bwpr(dic, nrwo)
Handle the block pressure
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_compsegs(dic, nrwo)
Handle the compsegs
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_dimens(dic, nrwo)
Handle the grid dimensions
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_editnnc(dic, nrwo)
Handle the modified i,j,k nnc indices
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_fault(dic, nrwo)
Handle the modified i,j,k fault indices
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_grid_props(dic, nrwo)
Handle the grid and props sections
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_mapaxes(dic, nrwo)
Keep the mapping so the grids have the same view
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_multflt(dic, nrwo)
Handle the fault multipliers
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_multiply(dic, nrwo)
Handle the modified i,j,k multiply indices
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_multregt(dic, nrwo)
Copy if MULTREGT is on the GRID section
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_oper(dic, nrwo)
We also support operations
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_pinch(dic, nrwo)
Keep pinch from the input model
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_props(dic, nrwo)
Handle the props sections
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_regions(dic, nrwo)
Handle the regions sections
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_schedule(dic, nrwo)
Handle the schedule sections
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_schedulekw(dic, nrwo)
Handle special keywords in the schedule for wells in submodels
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_segmented_wells(dic, nrwo)
We also support segmented wells
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_source(dic, nrwo)
Add the source keyword
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_welldims(dic, nrwo)
Handle the well dimensions
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_wells(dic, nrwo)
Add the necessary keywords and modified i,j,k well indices
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.handle_welsegs(dic, nrwo)
Handle the welsegs
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
nrwo (list): Splited row from the input deck
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.names_segwells(dic)
Get the names of segmented wells
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.names_wells(dic)
Get the names of the wells in the submodel
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary
- pycopm.utils.parser_deck.process_the_deck(dic)
Identify and modified the required keywords
- Args:
dic (dict): Global dictionary
- Returns:
dic (dict): Modified global dictionary